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The Artwork Stylist new collection...

Hair Flow

The Artwork Stylist is the brain child of sisters Sara and Amy Chamberlain Founders of The Real Estate Stylist. The Artwork Stylist is an organic collaboration between the stylist, designers, photographers, local printers and quality framers.

They support artisans and encourage individuality by deliver affordable fine art in a curated environment. 

Their newest collection is full of incredible new artists - combined they have travelled far and wide, weathered outback electrical storms, trekked to far away glaciers, canvasedthe desert, flown in helicopters, hidden in dark misty rooms, smashed flowers in liquid nitrogen and caught explosions mid chemical reactions. They are portrait chasers, established photojournalists, humble image makers and the emerging style creators. They are exposed and named and ready to share their wares with the world. They are The ArtworkStylist class of 2016. Meet the Artists here

Cactus Garden

Swiss Cheese II

Garden Roses I

High Tide

Mangrove Sunset

The Railway

Pink Sherbert

Composition IV

Cotton Candy

The Artwork Stylist here - Instagram here - Pinterest here

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