Thinking of an outdoor shower? My top 12 designs for you!
Designer - Outdoor Establishments
12 outdoor showers to get you excited!
We love outdoor showers... we love the coastal feel, the holiday vibes they give, the novelty of being able to shower outdoors if you feel like it and just the overall idea of having one!
The best thing is you don't need a lot of space, if you're lucky it won't involve too much plumbing and as long as you do your research and put it in a place that will drain adequately, you're good to go (I would advise getting professional advice on where to put it, better to be safe than sorry)!
Via Pinterest - designer unknown
Designer - Breathe Architecture
Via - Byron Beach Abodes
Via Home Beautiful - Photo Chris Warnes
Designer - Shareen Joel Design | Photography Brooke Holm
Via Inside Out Magazine
Designer - Harrisons Landscaping
Image via Brooke Holm
Architect Robson Rak Architects | Photography Shannon McGrath