MALACHI Exhibition by Jai Vasicek...

'MALACHI' by Jai Vasicek is named after Jai's father's boat and has had Jai re-visiting his childhood, which encompasses boat life from Brazil to Africa, tropical fruits and treasure chest surrounds. His current exhibition is being housed at Fenton & Fenton in High St, Prahran.
"His designs feature vibrant colour with layers of print and patterns inspired by the sea and forest, with exotic creatures, feather and shell adornments, bold motifs, religious iconography and evocative female forms from polynesian beauties to ocean sirens. Splashes of neon and bright colours and the raw textures of resins and grouting bring every piece to life, making them a truly unique style statement."

His highly sought after crosses and wall tiles have colour and energy which look gorgeous standing alone or in a group on the wall. As well as selling his renowned Art pieces in leading stores nationally and online, Jai has created an amazing store, Ahoy Trader in Byron Bay, NSW; the store is a collection of his own work along side homewares and fashion from local and Australian designers who share a similar aesthetic. 

Jai is definately one of Australia's most exciting and collectable designers - get online or go to Fenton & Fenton to view his gorgeous exhibition MALACHI now... Exhibition runs 16th October - 30th October 2014. All images from

D + P