The Hunting Collective...
This year Hunting for George collaborated with 12 different creatives from a variety of mediums to create the much talked about Hunting Collective. Including fine art, illustration, collage, street art, design, craft and photography, each artist was given a blank Hunting for George clock and an open brief. The result is an incredible array of 12 limited edition time machines that encapsulate each individual artists signature style.
As every creative involved is so unique, Hunting for George decided not to put a price on the finished clocks but to instead let the buyers to decide. Hunting for George are hosting a launch party on Thursday November 20 and the finished clocks will be on show and then the online auction will kick start to allow everyone, not just Melbourne folk, to secure a one off clock.
Hunting for George is a proud supporter of local talent and the majority of sales from each clock goes back to the artist. With every clock sold they are also supporting local business, Waverly Industries; a not for profit organisation that provides support and employment for people with disabilities. Their incredible team of employees now manufacture all Hunting for George clocks- and Hunting for George say " they do a much better job than we ever did'.
Check out the artists here...
Lucas Grogan
Hey Stubby
Ellie Malin
Kasper Raglus
Esther Olsson
Pop & Scott
Diana Ellinger
Peaches & Keen
Pete Cromer
Sarah Hankinson
Laura Blythman
Clare Plueckhahn
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