Aura Home...

Aura Home has released its Autumn/Winter 15 bedding range and I am loving their fresh and modern take on the much loved Geometric trend - here is the low down on my favourite pieces, the Kami and Cinq Quilt Covers.

The Kami Quilt Cover is a contemporary take on a folding paper design, with a geometrical twist which makes it 'so hot right now!'. Even better is that it's reversible - white with a black geo print and flip for black with a white geo print. If mint and charcoal are more your thing, they have that too... now, which one to pick!

The Cinq Quilt Cover is a beautiful blend of marshmallow, pink and honey dew tones with a prism like effect. It also has a stunning simple grey reverse for when you a feeling little more subdue with your styling. 

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