Teeny tiny space for your laundry? Read my top 6 tips now!
Unfortunately not all of us have the luxury of a spacious laundry.. or even a whole room for a laundry for that matter.. hands up if your laundry is in a cupboard? Me!
So it's time to break down how you can still have a very functional, easy to use, beautifully designed laundry that you will enjoy using.. well maybe for a few weeks until the reality of washing clothes hits you right back in the face again!
Designed by By Bruno
1 - Shelves, drawers or cupboards - fit in as many as you can, storage is so important. And go as high as you can... build those cupboards right up to the ceiling.
2 - Add in a bench top - even if you only have space for a washing machine and dryer side by side in your space, throw a bench top across the top and bam, you have a surface to sort, organise and fold on.
3 - Use hanging rods and hooks where possible - just look at the inspo pic above to see just how beautiful a hanging rod can look!
4 - You don't NEED a sink - if your space doesn't allow for it, don't worry. Modern washing machines have hand wash and delicate cycles that will be much better than your actual hand washing anyway.
5 - Choose a door that works for the space and makes for easy accessibility - think about sliding, centre opening, bi-folds, concertina or doors that slide back into the cavity.
6 - And remember your laundry doesn't have to be it's own room - you can put it in the bathroom, the ensuite, in the hallway, in a cupboard, hide it in the kitchen or even the garage.
From - Vintage Revivals
From - Homes to love
From - Southern Living
From - HomeBunch
From - CaesarStone
From - Pinterest